Who knows what’s coming next?! You’re right. I failed. Miserably. At that point the pie recipe got locked in the super secret recipe vault and hasn’t been touched again. I’m really hoping Maura will come visit soon so she can bake me a pie…
I had pretty much given up hope of baking a not only passable, but tasty, apple pie until I arrived at Jody’s last Sunday to watch an episode of A Game of Thrones (does anyone else think Tyrion is the best character ever?!). She offered me a slice of apple pie and vanilla ice cream. Yes, not only does she invite me over to watch A Game of Thrones but she also feeds me! Anyway, the pie was super tasty (don’t worry Maura, yours is still THE BEST) and she assured me that it was also super easy to make.
I felt compelled to share with all of you. Please note that this is Jody’s recipe NOT Maura’s super top secret recipe (she’d kill me if I put that one on the internet!).
So…Here it is….
Start by slicing 5 Granny Smith apples (I used 6 because that’s what I had) directly into an un-greased pie plate.
While the pie is baking, brew yourself a cup of coffee and go catch up on your DVR’s. *Note: This step is optional but obviously (best Snape voice) enhances the whole pie baking experience. Trust me.
When you pull the pie out of the oven, be sure to check for doneness. Give it a poke with a toothpick or something. I did not do this as I was too anxious for the pie to cool down so I could have a slice with a scoop of the vanilla bean ice cream waiting for me in the freezer. And, of course, my apples ended up being slightly on the crisp side yet. Oops. I’m learning. Although this pie won’t win you an award in the prettiest pie contest, it still tastes quite yummy. Thanks, Jody!
Hey--your SIL here--I totally pinned this. Now you'll be famous!